The power of education

Or lack of it

Robert Knight
3 min readFeb 13, 2023
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For the last 50- or 60-years education in America has been the poor stepchild.

Teachers have remained underpaid, facilities have not been upgraded, and curriculums have been molded to suit whatever fringe philosophy is current.

One disturbing result has been “Trumpism”. While it’s true some Trump supporters are well educated it’s also true that most of those are following for their own self-interests politically or economically.

The lack of quality education to develop critical thinking, especially in rural areas, has resulted in allowing the kind of demagoguery that got Trump elected.

This same situation exists in most of Latin America, Africa, and some parts of Asia. Governments in these areas often pay lip service to education providing inferior education to keep people from developing the critical thinking skills needed in a democratic society.

I have owned a language school in Mexico. I have taught in Secondary, High School, and University private schools in Mexico. I spent nearly three years in Chile in the Peace Corps working with street children. In extensive travels in Bolivia, Peru, and Laos I have witnessed the effects of inferior public education in all of these areas.



Robert Knight

Raised in Puerto Rico. Trilingual travel enthusiast, former stockbroker, Export Manager, Peace Corps, and EFL teacher. Retired, living in Zihuatanejo, Mexico.